Download Kitserver Pes 2011 Install
Download PES 2011 Kit Server On how to install/use Kitserver. PES 2010 Patchs,PES 12,PES2011 Update,PES Patch,PES Edit,Option File.
June 13, 2011 - Kitserver 11.1.1 - 'Four ones' release Usually, the most up-to-date version of this documentation, and the translations to many languages, are located here:. Documentation for Kitservers 5-8 and Kitserver 2010 can also be found there.
Pes 2011 Pc
Introduction Kitserver 11 is an add-on program for Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (and Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 DEMO). It is a loader and manager for various modules, where each module is built as a (typically) independent DLL containing logic to enhance the game in particular aspect. While originally the Kitserver was developed to 'serve' kits for Pro Evolution Soccer 3, a lot more functionality has been added over the years.
Below is a quick summary of the available features. Follow the link in the left column to get more details about a particular module. If you are new to Kitserver, please make sure you read the. Afs2fs.dll Manage AFS (.img) game content using files and folders: much easier and quicker to install/remove patches, without the need modify.img files. Kserv.dll Organize your kits into GDB, and assign each team its own kits.
Fserv.dll Assign special face/hair (from GDB) to any player you want. Lodmixer.dll Misc visual tweaks, fine-tune LOD for players and referees. Speeder.dll Increase or decrease gameplay speed. Sides.dll Allow free side selection during matches.
1996 starcraft camper. Install With XP and Vista, and now Windows 7 having more emphasis and enforcement of file ownership and different user rights, and promoting the use of 'Standard User' accounts, the installation routine of Kitserver has changed. If you are a 'seasoned' kitserver user, please read this carefully, because it will save you a lot of unnecessary hair-pulling. In many cases, following the 3 steps, as outlined by the message in the installer window, will be all that you need to do.
If so, then great, go on and enjoy the game with new features that Kitserver adds.:) You can leave the default directory as specified by the installer, or you can put in your own. The important thing is that you choose a folder that you have full ownership of. (Your HOME directory is one good example of that. Another good candidates are: 'My Documents' folder or Desktop). This is particularly important on Vista, because this way we sidestep all the nasty surprises of Vista File Virtualization. Also, this makes sure that you will NOT need administrative privileges to run the game under the control of Kitserver.
Once installer unpacks the files into the folder of your choice, go there. You should see a folder named Kitserver11.
Open it, and you should see the following files: Next step is to make sure you have a file called config.txt. If you are installing Kitserver 11 for the first time, you probably do not have an existing config.txt. In that case, just run the program, called config.exe, press Save button, and it will create a config.txt file for you. If, however, you are upgrading from previous version of Kitserver, then you already have an existing config.txt, which you probably will want to re-use.
(For instance, it contains your carefully configured LOD settings, which you definitely don't want to lose!). If that's the case, then you will need to compare config-sample.txt with your existing config.txt, and (if needed) make the necessary changes to config.txt 2.2. Uninstall Uninstall is very easy: just delete the Kitserver11 folder, when you no longer need it. Kitserver doesn't write into system folders, or anything of that sort, so removal is very simple. Running the game 3.1. Running the game with Kitserver: KRUN-WAY So now you have the config.txt file, and we are ready to launch the game under the 'guidance' of Kitserver. There is a couple ways to do that, and we will go through both of them in this documentation.
First, let's try the simplest approach. With Kitserver 11.0.0, a new tool was introduced: krun.exe - Kitserver Game Launcher. This is the tool that we will now use to run the game under the control of Kitserver: just double-click on krun.exe and the game should start after a few seconds delay.
By default, krun will consult your Windows registry, to find out where you have the game installed, and try to launch an executable from that folder, called PES2011.exe. In most typical scenario, this is exactly what you want:) People who had been using Kitserver for a few years now, will notice that this is different from how things worked before: Kitserver no longer modifies the game EXE in-place, but instead makes a modified copy of it in the 'temp' folder, and then the modified module is executed as a child process of krun program. The new way maybe somewhat unfamiliar, but it actually solves many security-related problems that surfaced with using the old system. Running the game with Kitserver: MANAGER-WAY This used to be the 'standard' way to work with kitserver, before the introduction of krun.
There are still scenarios, where it is easier to do it the old way: for example for patchmakers that release a big patch that includes their own modified version of game exe, a kitserver with pre-configured config.txt, img-folders, GDB, and so for, it is easier to just pre-attach kitserver to the game exe and let users to launch the game 'the normal way'- by double-clicking on the the patched game executable. If you are a long-term user of Kitserver (maybe even from the glory days of PES3!), then you are probably also more acustomed to using manager.exe, instead of krun. Both ways can be used successfully, if certain steps are taken to avoid common pitfalls. To use the manager program, you need to put your entire kitserver11 folder into the same directory, where you have the game exe that you want to attach kitserver to. Two ways to do it:. Copy game exe to the parent folder of kitserver11.
If you installed the game into a folder that you have full ownership of - for example, something like D: Games PES2011, then you can just copy the kitserver11 folder into D: Games PES2011. DO NOT DO THIS, IF YOU HAVE THE GAME IN C: Program Files! It is a system folder, and things do not work there consistently, unless you do everything as Administrator Now, go to kitserver11 folder, and run manager.exe. If you placed the files correctly, then you will see manager showing you the list of game executables that you can Attach/Detach kitserver to. Click Attach button, and wait for the manager to confirm that the attachment was successful. Now go one level up in the folder hierarchy and double-click on the game exe (to which you just attached the kitserver) and the game should start. Advanced ways to use krun.exe We have already covered the simplest way to use krun tool.
However, it may be the case that you have a more elaborate setup. Maybe you have alternative EXEs installed, perhaps those that came from a community-created patch or patches. So let's say instead of PES2011.exe from your game folder, you want to launch the game using this exe: C: myPesPatch PES2011patched.exe. This is also possible to do with krun tool: you just need to create a configuration file for it, which contains the full pathname of the exe. We make a text file called krun-config.txt, which now has the format similar to that of config.txt. You will need to have a krun section in it, and the option to specify EXE file is called exe. Here is an example of such file: krun exe = 'c: myPesPatch PES2011patched.exe'.
IMPORTANT: Double quotes are not required, but advised - just so that there is no ambiguity about folder name. IDs for the teams will depend on whether you have installed any patches, but for default option file, you can see the IDs here - file. Please note that the sample GDB (provided with kitserver) is just one possible way of organizing the teams and folders.
It uses 'EPL' folder to group all english teams, 'National' - to group all national teams, and so for. You may find that you just prefer a flat list of folders - without these extra groups. In that case, just modify the map.txt file accordingly, and create the structure of folders that you prefer. That's the main advantage of having map.txt - the flexibility of kit organization. You can see from map.txt above that in order to find a kit for team #88, the kitserver needs to go to the folder GDB uni EPL Arsenal. This folder will contain all of the kits that are available to team #88. Inside it, you must create an individual folder for each kit.
Like this: For players, 1st kit must have a folder name pa, 2nd - pb. Extra kits can have any folder names that start with letter 'p'. I found it useful to prefix all extra kits with px. For example, px-redwhite. For the goalkeepers, 1st kit must be in the folder ga, 2nd - in the gb.
Extra kits can have any folder names that start with letter 'g'. IMPORTANT: Folder name acts as a kind of ID for kitserver, which puts the additional restriction on all those folder names: they cannot contain spaces, and preferably they should be relatively short, and in English,French or other language withing Latin1 (iso8859-1) character set.
Typically, if you want to make sure kitserver can properly find/read the folder, just use latin characters, digits, underscore, and the dash (minus sign). Now let's move on inside one of the kit folders. Take pa, for example.
See the table below for explanation of each file.