Free Download Program Program Facut Stampile Rotunde Saw
› Thank you all for the great response to the Luv Bug Weekend's blog hop. I will take time to visit all your blogs and give a little love back. Multumesc pentru raspunsul extraordinar la concursul Luv Bug Weekend blog hop. Imi voi face timp sa vizitez toate blog-urile voastre si sa va inapoiez putina dragoste. And now here is the Canvas Art I promised. Iata proiectul pe care vi l-am promis ieri. When I first saw the project call on the Cuttlebug Challenge DT message board I had no idea what it was going to be.
Program De Facut Stampile - Right!Am facut matrite de stampile pentru o groaza de medici de familie utilizand Corelul.Functia.Page 2 of 3 - Jump to content. Program de lucru: L-V: 8.30 - 18.00 Pentru orice alte nel Download3K has downloaded and tested Rubber Stamps on with some of Today. Descarca Program De Facut Stampile download free. 0 Comments Program stampile Premier. Cine imi poate spune vreun program de facut stampile.??
How could I use cuttlebug on canvas? Prima data cand am vazut aceasta tena pe grupul echipei de designeri a Cuttlebug Challenge Blog nu aveam nici cea mai vaga idee despre ce as putea face. Cum poti folosi cuttlebug pe panza. I decided to take the challenge anyway and experiment mixed media. It is my first try.
It was fun and while developing the whole composition, mood and colors I realized anyone can do it even without the painting skills. Am hotarat totusi sa accept provocarea si sa experimentez pentru prima data tehnica mixed media. Munca la acest proiect a fost o experienta placuta si in timp ce lucram la compozitie, atmosfera si culori mi-am dat seama ca oricine ar putea obtine aceleasi rezultate fara a avea indemanare la desen.
YOU CAN DO THIS with stamps, stencils or other templates. PUTETI FACE ASTA cu ajutorul stampilelor sau diverselor sabloane. Program Facut Stampile Rotunde Sofa Sleeper.
Dormea si acum, cu pumnii str. Stravezii, irizate,! Al doilea, se vede dupa lenjeria copilului. Masina de stampile StampRobot este un utilaj de ultima generatie.
Listati din acest program la. (rotindu‐l usor in cazul stampilelor rotunde). If you want a tutorial on how I did it and ideas of how to make your own, go to the.
The direct link is here: Pentru tutorial si idei despre cum ati putea realiza o lucrare asemanatoare, va invit sa vizitati. Linkul direct este mai jos: Luv Bug Weekend goes on. Visit the tomorrow for the following tutorials and more goodies to win. Luv Bug Weekend continua. Visitati maine pentru urmatoarele tutoriale si posibilitatea de a castiga alte premii extraordinare. Shannon Bracken: Valentine Coupon book (Carnetel de (nu stiu ce) Valentine) Mrs J: Valentine treat (Ceva bun, nu siu cum se traduce:P) Lori Boyd: Valentine Mailbox (Cutie de scrisori Valentine) Tracy Pounds: Metal Art Frame (Rama - arta metal) NEED HELP WITH YOUR FIRST CANVAS ART? AVETI NEVOIE DE AJUTOR PENTRU PRIMA VOASTRA LUCRARE PE PANZA?
Leave a comment with your questions on this posts and I will try to answer. If you need a detailed tutorial about something you saw on my blog, just let me know. I would be glad to share. Anyone can do it! What I have is the passion and that is a gift from God. The rest is just study, practice, try it on. Lasati un comentariu la acest post daca aveti intrebari si voi incerca sa va raspund.
Daca doriti un tutorial amanuntit desper ceva ce ati vazut pe blog, spuneti-mi. Voi fi incantata sa impartasesc cu voi. Si nu uitati! Toti puteti face asta! Ce am eu in plus e poate pasiunea pentru ceea ce fac si asta e un dar de la Dumnezeu. In rest e doar invata, exerseaza, pune in practica.
ROBIN'S BLOG CANDY I was hopping around the Cuttlebug Challenge DT blogs when I found this great giveaway on. She is giving away 5 stamp sets.
The following are my favorites. Hop there for more details and your chance to win. 'Topaiam' printre blogurile echipei de designeri a Cuttlebug Challenge blog cand am gasit aceasta oportunitate de a castiga 5 seturi de stampile. Mai jos sunt 2 dintre ele, preferatele mele. Pentru mai multe detalii si sansa de a castiga un astfel de set, vizitati.
This challenge is open to everyone whether you own a cuttlebug or not. Acest concurs este deschis pentru toata lumea, indiferent daca aveti sau nu un cuttlebug. All you have to do is collect a word from each of the design team blog (22 words total) to for a quote.
Once collected, put them in the right order and e-mail them to Tot ceea ce aveti de facut este sa luati cate un cuvant de pe blogul fiecarui membru al echipei (in total 22 cuvinte) si sa recompuneti un citat. Odata citatul refacut, trimiteti-l la urmatoarea adresa de e-mail: Your word for this challenge is: DO Cuvantul meu pentru voi este: DO Check out the rest of the DT team's blogs to gather all the words. The next word (17'th) can be found at the following blog: Urmatorul cuvant ol gasiti la: 17. Today's project is a non traditional Valentine. I personally do not celebrate Valentine's Day although it has been imported to Romania. I prefer celebrating love every day of my life and I don't need a special day for that.
Proiectul de azi e din categoria Valentine's Day netraditional. Eu personal nu sarbatoresc ziua Sfantului Valentin cu toate ca aceasta sarbatoare a fost importata si in Romania. Prefer sa sarbatoresc dragostea in fiecare zi si nu am nevoie de o zi speciala pentru acest lucru.
My reason for choosing white is that my husband always brings me WHITE roses to tell me how much he loves me. I don't remember him ever bringing me a red rose in 10 years since we have been together. Am ales culoarea alba pentru acest proiect pentru ca sotul meu imi aduce intotdeauna trandafiri ALBI ca sa-mi spuna cat de mult ma iubeste. Nu imi amintesc sa fi primit vreodata trandafiri rosii in cei 10 ani de cand ne cunoastem. Products and tools I used (Materiale si unelte folosite): - cuttlebug machine - cuttlebug Textile Folder - rose brass stencil (sablon alama) - vellum (hartie de calc) - favor box template (sablon cutie marturii) - Encore gold ink (cerneala aurie marca Encore). I will have an Innovative Canvas Project to show you on Saturday 1/31/09 at 10 AM EST (15 GMT). The above image is just a small peek into what my canvas looks like right now.
Sambata la ora 17 (ora Romaniei) voi publica un proiect mai deosebit realizat pe panza. Imaginea de mai sus e doar o particica din cum arata acum panza mea. I will post the final work here, but you will have to visit he tomorrow to see a tutorial. There will be more great tutorials on the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog throught the weekend. Voi publica aici lucrarea insa pentru un tutorial va trebui sa vizitati maine. Vor fi si alte super tutoriale la Cuttlebug Challenge Blog. This week's challenge at the is DISTRESSED CARD.
Here is my sample. I've been wanting to make these circle flowers from the first moment I saw them. This card is 100% made from scraps (including the card base which was a misprinted wedding invitation) and very easy to replicate. The brads are the only new material that I used. Materials: - scraps of card stock from my stash - brads (unknown brand) - pigment ink (unknown brand) Tools: - cuttlebug machine - cuttlebug Textile Folder - stamp from SU! Happy Harmony set - pencil, scissors, piercing tool Please visit the to see the rest of the DT samples.
They are all so beautiful that I could not peak just one favorite. Then join in all the fun: create a distressed card using at least one cuttlebug product (machine, dies, folders), post the card on your blog/online gallery and link it on the Cuttlebug Blog. The prize for this week's Cuttlebug Be inspired comes from BASIC GREY so that is one extra reason to play along. Have fun creating! EXCITING NEWS!!!!!!!
Cuttlebug LuV Bug Weekend! Save the Date!
Click on the image to see more details and come back to my blog on Friday for your chance to win great prizes. MORE EXCITING NEWS!!!!!!! This time it's a BLOG CANDY announcement. After winning my Royal Chocolates from, was so excited that she decided to give away some blog candy when she reaches 100 hits. So give the prize away sooner! I had a hell of a week! I didn't get much sleep either.
Just work and more work. I hope I will catch up with all my creative plans during this weekend.
Until then, let me update you on some great stuff. CUTTLEBUG BE INSPIRED 15 You already saw my card for this challenge on the. But did you know that the amazing Becky Fleck from Page Maps is this week's guest designer at the Cuttlebug Challenge blog? She will pick the card of the week from and the prize will be a copy of her Page Maps book.
If you want a chance to win the book, please visit the for details. CUTTLEBUG BE INSPIRED 15 - MY FEATURE These are my favorite Design Team cards from this week's challenge. I actually intended to pick just one but I just could not decide which one so here they are. You can click on the images and they will take you directly to the each designer's blog for more details and larger pictures. Also click to see all the other DT wonderful creations with the Page Maps sketch, then have a go to it yourself.
SARAH'S KANDY You have until the February 8 to win Sarah's candy. Just go to her and find out the details. She has some great eye candy too.
GO GREEN WITH QUEEN & CO. I have seen this image all over and thought those white and green flowers looked so beautiful! I liked it even more when I understood what meaning was behind it. Have you ever bought card making products and came to the conclusion that it was more packaging than actual product.
Well, no more! Queen and Co has decided to go green and give you product not packaging.
Check their to find out all the details and maybe win some goodies. One of my colleagues from university is getting married this summer and she asked me to design her wedding invitations. She has always been so elegant so it was quite easy to picture her style when she told me she wanted vellum, cream and gold. Here is what I designed for her: #1. Single panel wedding invitation + vellum envelope #2. Table numbers #3. Wedding favors.
Una dintre colegele mele de facultate se casatoreste vara aceasta si m-a rugat s-o ajut cu invitatiile. Nu mi-a fost deloc greu sa inteleg ce vrea sa spuna prin: 'folie transparenta, simplu, crem si auriu' pentru ca ea a fost intotdeauna delicata si eleganta si cred ca invitatiile acestea chiar o reprezinta. Setul contine: #1. Invitatie simpla + plic facut manual din hartie de calc #2. Numere pentru mese #3. Cutiute pentru bomboane (asa-numitele 'marturii'). I made this wedding set on behalf of the for the which was to use our favorite folder.
My favorite folder is and I think will always be Cuttlebug Textile Folder. I wonder if can beat this up with a more elegant one. Am facut setul acesta si in calitate de membru al echipei de la unde era sa folosim sablonul nostru preferat. Sablonul meu preferat se numeste Cuttlebug Textile Folder si nu cred ca cei de la vor scoate pe piata foarte curand unul mai elegant decat acesta.
For the invitation I embossed just the top and bottom of my card stock (after I printed it). The border gives it just the elegant touch required without overwhelming the design. Pentru invitatii am stantat doar cate o margine sus si una jos ceea ce confera eleganta fara sa incarce prea mult design-ul. I did the same with the table numbers only the numbers are hand painted with golden acrylic glaze. I applied the same golden glaze to the raised surface of the embossing.
Am procedat la fel si cu numerele meselor, doar ca acestea sunt pictate manual cu un lac auriu, lac pe care l-am folosit si pentru a scoate in evidenta eleganta modelului stantat. I could not decide which favor box to keep from my many ideas so I chose to show you 2 of them. One is embossed with the Textile Folder and the other has the flower motif from Stampin' Up!
Happy Harmony stamp set. Thank you, for these beautiful stamps!
Nu m-am putut decide pentru o singura marturie asa ca am ales sa va prezint 2 din cele cateva pe care le-am creat: una are stantat acelasi model ca si cel de pe invitatii si numerele meselor, iar cealalta imprumuta motivul floral de la plicurile invitatiilor. Acesta din urma este obtinut cu ajutorul unei stampile impreuna cu o cerneala si un praf special care prin topire creeaza efectul de relief. I cannot go on anymore as I am getting to the bottom of the page with this post.
For any questions you have my e-mail address in the profile on the right or you can leave a comment and I'll get back to you. Ar fi cazul sa inchei pana mai am loc pe pagina:) Daca aveti intrebari mi le puteti adresa pe e-mail (aveti adresa pe bara din dreapta) sau ca si comentariu la acest articol. Voi incerca sa va raspund cat de bine voi putea. It is time for. We were supposed to make a simple white card. Well, for those who know me it's a known fact that I like contrasts so I just had to sneak in a little bit of black. E timpul pentru.
Tema e: simplu si alb, dar cine ma cunoaste stie ca prefer contrastul, deci a trebuit sa folosesc macar putin negru. I chose to do wedding invitations. The Host Stephenie Meyer Pdf Italiano Download. I Started with e one above, trying to keep it as white as possible. The label is a vector graphic I quickly did with my software's pen tool than printed out. For the background I used Provo Craft's Textile embossing folder.
The actual invite will be printed on velum which is held together by the sheer organza ribbon. Am hotarat sa fac niste modele de invitatii de nunta. Am inceput cu cea de mai sus incercand sa folosesc alb intr-o proportie cat mai mare.
Eticheta e desenata intrun program de grafica vectoriala si apoi tiparita, iar textura eleganta a hartiei e obtinuta prin stantare. Textul va fi tiparit pe hartie transparenta care se prinde de invitatie cu panglica de organza. The next 2 samples are done using the same technique with 2 of my favorite ribbons. The text can be printed on vellum or directly on the card to stay low with the price. Urmatoarele 2 modele sunt realizate cu ajutorul aceleiasi tehnici, dar sunt decorate cu 2 dintre panglicile mele preferate din ultima perioada. Textul poate fi tiparit fie pe hartie transparenta, fie direct pe invitatie pentru a pastra pretul cat mai scazut posibil.
Program Facut Stampile
I would call these fit for a year of economical crisis: simple, yet very elegant. As spune ca aceste invitatii simple si elegante sunt foarte potrivite pentru perioada de criza economica pe care o traversam. Wow, giving out Royal Chocolates sure feels great! I went to to pick a winner for the giveaway in t and I got no. 2: (here is her comment:) 'Hi Meda, this is the first time I have been on your blog and I spent ages just looking at your beautiful cards. This was a VERY hard decision as I think all the cards are lovely but my favourite is.card 2.
I love the simplicity of this card. I will be back regularly to check up on your wonderful creations:) Lora' Congratulations, Lora! You chose my very favorite card. Please send me your addy so I can get it mailed to you.
I will edit this post later when I have your prize assembled. I have to make a box for this card since it has that huge bead in the middle. Otherwise it will fall of on the way. To tell you the truth, I never expected anyone to win this particular card:P but now you will be able to 'taste' some of my favorite things. Meda Numarul aleator generat de pentru concursul anuntat in a fost 2, deci castigatoarea este.
Ea va primi pri posta felicitarea care, intamplator, este si felicitarea mea preferata si inca niste lucruri. Voi posta o imagine cu premiul inainte de a-l expedia. Mai trebuie inca sa construiesc o cutie pentru a livra felicitarea in siguranta.
Drum roll please. I AM PART OF THE NEW CUTTLEBUG CHALLENGE DESIGN TEAM. This is something I haven't even dreamed of: ME, part of a design team!
I was always thinking people won't even notice me since I live in Romania. OK, no more words. You must imagine how happy I am.
There will be a lot going on on the: challenges, tutorials, features so please ad that to your blog roll or wherever you list your favorite blogs. We are going to have lots of cuttlebug storage ideas on Sunday with some great projects. I will have all the design team listed on the side bar so you can go see all their wonderful creations at all times. And now for the WINNER of my Royal Chocolates: ANU had the closest guess to what my news were and she also hinted on something that I hope will be announced someday this year.
'Hi Meda, Happy New Year. Saw all the embossed cards. Looks like your enjoying your cuttlebug. Is the good news related to that?
Are u opening an online store or something? Or got an offer to design stamps?oh the suspense is killing me.please let it out soon.can't wait to know. The last time I was on your blog, it looked different. Well I like the way it looks with the background of flourishes and the lovely red!
Hugs, Anu' Thank you for your comment, Annu. I know where to get your addy, so no need to e-mail it to me. I will send you a card and a little something extra on Monday. Thanks everyone who participated and please come back again as I intend to have more Royal Chocolates. I think you can still win some goodies at if you hurry.
Noutatile despre care va spuneam in articolul tecut: AM OBTINUT UN LOC IN ECHIPA DE DESIGNERI A. Vor fi 6 luni cu tot felul de lucruri interesante pe care le vom crea impreuna cu intreaga echipa (voi publica o lista cu blogurile lor pe coloana din dreapta). Castigatoarea concursului este Anu. Multumesc tuturor celor care au participat, si va mai astept si la alte concursuri pe care le voi organiza. Probabil mai aveti inca tim sa va inscrieti la concursul lui. It seems God has great plans with my life this year. Yesterday was my first day at work after the hollidays and it couldn't have been a better start.
Se pare ca Dumnezeu are planuri minunate cu mine anul acesta. Cel putin inceputul asa pare. The little blinkie above is just a hint. The real news will come later. Can you guess what? Imaginea de mai sus e doar un indiciu.
Stirile urmeaza in curand. Puteti ghici ce? Here are some more Royal Chocolates for those who do before the actual news is posted.
Iata un nou premiu pentru cei care ghicesc inainte sa postez stirea. I had a very hard time photographing these.
I have a bad camera, bad light and the list could go on. I almost gave up but in the end I decided to post the photos the way they were. I hope I will be able to take better shots when we move to our new apartment. All the cards are for the Cuttlebug Challenge #12. We were supposed to sand the embossing. If you want to play go.
Am avut mari dificultati in a fotografia aceste felicitari cu un aparat slab, lumina slaba etc. Aproape m-am dat batuta, dar am hotarat totusi sa public imaginile asa cum sunt. Sper sa fac poze mai bune dupa ce ne mutam in noul nostru apartament. Toate felicitarile sunt pentru un concurs de pe. Tema era sa slefuim hartia stantata in prealabil. Concursul e inca deschis daca doriti sa participati. (This is my favorite) Card 3.
And now for the promised Royal Chocolates. All you have to do is post a comment in which you tell me which of the 5 cards is your favorite. You can also choose one of the unmade cards I showed you yesterday. The prize will be the card you said was your favorite and some white flowers like the ones I used for these cards. I will draw the winner using random org on Sunday, the 11 th of January at 10 pm GMT (London Time) Si acum concursul promis ieri: tot ceea ce aveti de facut este sa postati un comentariu in care sa-mi spuneti care din cele 5 felicitari va place cel mai mult. Puteti sa alegeti si una din ideile prezentate in articolul de ieri.
Premiul va consta in felicitarea pe care ati noinalizat-o drept favorita si cateva din florile albe din care am folosit pentru aceste felicitari. Castigatorul va fi extras cu ajutorul random org duminica, 11 ianuarie la ora 22 GMT (ora Londrei). I fell in love with this machine since I first saw cards made with it. I even managed to buy one from the USA and now, guess what: there is a Cuttlebug Challenge blog. They have weekly and more fun stuff coming soon. Just click on the link above if you want to join this week's challenge: sanding the embossing.
Now here is what I did for the challenge: I needed a wedding card for a friend who is getting married so I thought I could use my cuttlebug to make the card. Her colors are blue and white so I started looking through my stash for stuff that would match. Here is my first failed attempt (click on the image to see larger). This was some printed paper I had around but it didn't match with anything else so I decided to put it back into my stash for when I can use it. Still you should notice that you get a different look if you sand on the raised part from what you get if you sand on the other side.
Therefore, I did learn something from this experiment even if I couldn't use my paper. Lesson 1: If you want to send the embossing, you need paper with different colored core that would show up after the sanding.
Lesson 2: Make your own paper to sand. Since I live in a country where you can't find a lot of paper crafting stuff, I try to make my own things at home.
I'd like to buy all those wonderful things available online, but the shipping sometimes costs more that the actual merchandise. The problem with the paper I tried earlier was that the blue was to strong. I needed a softer color so I decided to paint white acrylic on blue cardstock. Let the paint dry well (that wont take long with acrylic paint) and think about embellishments in the meantime. I chose to heat emboss some white flowers on blue vellum and cut them out. Now comes the cuttlebug fun: put your dry paper into the embossing folder paint facing up. You will also want your folder to have the Cuttlebug logo facing up if you want to sand the raised part.
Put either your paper or your folder facing down if you don't want to emboss the raised part. Now you have your card base ready to play. Lesson 3: Mix and match until you get a design that pleases your eyes.
For me, this is when the frenzy starts. When I have an idea that I like I can come up with so many variations and the ideas come and go so quickly that I have to take photos of them before they are gone. Then I move forward, switch a few elements and when a new layout that I like 'happens' I take a photo and so on till there are no more ideas or no time left. Here are the photo-ideas from last night.
Not all of the became cards because I did not have enough materials but I will adapt and transform them to make other cards, use them for inspiration or maybe even for bulk production later. This is my first tutorial ever, so please tell me what you think. It was not easy to do all that writing and took me quite a lot of time so I would like to know if you are interested in seeing more of how I do things or not. It is passed midnight so I cannot show you the cards I made for I have go to work tomorrow. But I will try to do that tomorrow evening when I will also have 'Royal Chocolates' for you (that means blog candy). Thanks for reading till the end, Meda. One of the things I wrote in is to let you have a peek into my creative world.
I hope I will find time for that and I hope I will be able to take better pictures after we move into our new apartment where I should have better day light. This is what I am making right now. It is for a challenge on the blog. So come back tomorrow to see how I make a card for a challenge. Any cuttlebug lovers?
The same blog has a design team call. Follow to find the details.
Una dintre dorintele de anul nou pe care le-am scris in este sa va las sa aruncati o privire in lumea mea creativa. Sper ca voi gasi timp pentru asta si sper ca voi reusi sa fac poze mai bune dupa ce ne vom muta in noul nostru apartamet care este mai luminos decat acesta in care locuim acum. Iata la ce lucrez in momentul de fata. Este o felicitare pentru un concurs de pe blogul Va astept maine pentru a va arata cum. We spent New Year's Eve with a group of friends so as I was trying to make a card for I came up with the idea of making some pocket cards to hold their new year resolutions. Am petrecut revelionul impreuna cu un grup de prieteni si in timp ce incercam sa fac o felicitare pentru mi-a venit ideea unor mici atentii pentru prietenii nostrii: niste felicitari in care sa-si noteze fiecare dorintele pentru 2009.
Here is the first card I made with the sketch. Iata si prima felicitare. I made 16 cards in all. Unfortunately I didn't have time to photograph them so I will only show you pictures of those that are left. I did change them a bit to make them look more girly because I was left with all the men cards.
I had made 8 simpler cards for the men but they left their wives to choose for them so they ended up taking all the girl I was very happy to dress-up the cards with butterflies and beads after I got home from the New Years Eve party. Now I can give them away to those who didn't attend the party. Am facut 16 felicitari, dar nu am avut timp sa le fotografiez, deci ceea ce vedeti acum sunt doar felicitarile ramase. Nu mai sunt exact asa cum erau aseara pentru ca fetele au ales si pentru sotii lor, evident dintre felicitarile pe care le pregatisem pentru fete, ramanand mo delele mai simple pe care le pregatisem pentru barbati. Vazand acestea m-am hotarat sa le mai impopotonez putin si pe cele ramase pentru a le darui prietenilor care nu au putut fi cu noi de revelion. These are the only ones that I did't change.
I hope there still are some husbands out there who will choose their own cards. Acestea sunt singurele pe care nu le-am modificat. Sper ca mai sunt totusi cativa barbati care vor dori sa-si aleaga singuri felicitarile.