Do You Tip Medical Transport Drivers
Despite what you may read on social media, you still need a driver's license to legally drive a car, and the U.S. Supreme Court hasn't ruled otherwise. To Tip or Not Tip Your Auto Transport Driver? Your Car Shipped? Here's 5 reasons you should tip your auto transport driver! Check them out.
MTM—one of the nation’s largest and most experienced transportation brokers—thinks outside the box to provide customized solutions catered to our clients’ unique needs. With more than 20 years of experience in the NEMT industry, MTM can help you take on your biggest challenges.
From implementing in-person assessments and travel training to encourage low-cost mode assignment, to introducing routing and scheduling efficiencies, MTM manages every aspect of the NEMT programs we operate. We are truly your one-stop transportation solution. Transportation is inexpensive compared to the high and rapidly growing cost of healthcare, making it more cost-effective to transport a member to preventative care rather than waiting for a serious health condition to arise.
Studies prove that increasing transportation access to medical services results in such significant savings that it justifies increased NEMT spending. By offering the NEMT benefit to the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and other transportation disadvantaged populations, health plans and state agencies:. Remove transportation barriers. Prevent missed medical appointments. Decrease the impact of chronic disease.
Reduce the costs of inpatient medical treatment. Save substantial healthcare funding.
Chicago Medical Transport
A strong case can be made that improved access to NEMT for transportation disadvantaged persons is cost-effective in terms of better healthcare. In some cases, this cost-effectiveness translates directly into decreases in healthcare costs that exceed the added transportation costs. In other cases, longer life expectancy or improved quality of life for those suffering from the studied conditions justifies the added costs of improved access to NEMT cost-effectiveness. 2005 Transportation Research Board Analysis. As budgets continue to tighten for Medicaid-funded programs like NEMT, states and health plans face increasing pressure to reduce costs and better manage spending. Over the past two decades, many have adopted the outsourced brokerage model as a means for controlling costs, improving service quality, and promoting uniform NEMT delivery, based on recommendations by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). By contracting with a broker like MTM for NEMT services, state Medicaid agencies and health plans receive a liaison between members and subcontracted transportation providers, as the broker facilitates trip scheduling, service oversight, and claims processing.
Medical Transport Driver Salary
Nationwide, MTM maintains a network of more than 1,250 transportation providers. Through this network, we schedule more than 14 million trips for eight million members nationwide while handling eight million calls every year.